Linked Questions

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Are history of software, technical concepts or other not touchable computing-related things on-topic? [duplicate]

Do we want to have questions involving history of software? What about software development i.e. retro programming languages and compilers etc? Should we restrict any question types in this topic? ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Is this site heading in the right direction?

Wikipedia defines retrocomputing as simple as Retrocomputing is the use of older computer hardware and software in modern times. (emphasis mine) Browsing through the list of current questions ...
tofro's user avatar
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3 answers

What do you think of the proposed Computing History site?

I was looking through Area 51 recently and I discovered the Computing History proposal. Well, not exactly... I already knew about it (and followed it) before this site launched. The topics are so ...
Laurel's user avatar
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Can we do something to discourage ‘armchair history’ answers?

Every once in a while, when someone asks a history question, there is a flurry of attempts to answer the question without referring to any supporting historical evidence. At best, such answers are ...
user3840170's user avatar
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How to decide whether to post a question on retrocomputing or on some other Stack Exchange website

Other Stack Exchange websites cover a wide range of possible questions one can ask about computers: software recommendations: questions about running/using ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
14 votes
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Since we accept at least some computing history questions, could we also accept questions about more recent, 21st-century history?

(I know that there are approximately 10000 posts here with essentially the same topic. I wanted to explain my position and to put forward some ideas about changing the rules. If nothing happens as a ...
texdr.aft's user avatar
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Are questions about historical web APIs on topic?

After rene suggested our site for "historical curiosity" questions on Meta Stack Overflow's It's time to bury [digg], I started wondering whether Digg's API would be on-topic for Retrocomputing. No, ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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Are retrospective / modern-perspective questions on-topic?

Computing history has long been part of our scope. Retrospectives – looking back at then, from the perspective of now – are an important part of historical discourse, and we often get people trying to ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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Is the [history] tag meaningful?

I noticed that we have a history tag, described thus: For questions concerning the history of computers, digital electronics, hardware manufacturers and software developers. This seems awfully ...
user's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is the history of companies/people related to computing on-topic?

Do we also want to support questions that are not about hardware or software, but about a company or person that was important in the history of computing? For example one could ask stuff about the ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Repeated Questions Pondering Around a Topic

(caveat: Although the trigger here are questions of a single user, this is not about him or the things he want to learn) Over the last weeks a multitude of questions have been asked pondering around ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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