I'm having some issues getting VBlank and HBlank interrupts to fire on a simple 68K program I have wrote specifically for the SEGA Megadrive.
It runs without exception, I can and have debugged through it many times and each time it follows the path I expect and ends up in the infinite loop I expect. But for reasons I cannot yet fathom it never fires the VBlank or HBlank interrupts.
I've not quite exhausted all avenues of solving the problem myself yet but am preparing for the fact that I may not be able to get to the bottom of it without assistance. Even if I do it might be a good self-answered question.
What would be the recommended way I could pose a 68K programming question (specific to the SEGA Megadrive) that will be well received? (or as likely to be as is ever possible before submitting?)
My main fear is that my question might end up quite code heavy (even sticking to the relative parts only, it'll be fairly short but could well contain an obvious error so needs included) along with the problem description then as soon as people see it they will be triggered and hit back with 'we are not a debugging service' response. I'm aiming to avoid that by making it clear that I'm not looking for debugging help, I'm looking to find out what initialization I'm not doing or am doing incorrectly.
The type of answer I would expect would be along the lines of:
Although you are fooing the bar, the Megadrive also needs you to bar the foo in order for the 68K to acknowledge and process the interrupts.
Related: Are x86 programming questions on-topic?
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