There are two different Staffans. This occasionally happens when a user registers an account part-way through using the site, if the cookie magic fails to connect the unregistered account to the newly-created registered one. (In this case, given that both accounts have been posting comments, I suspect it might be caused by using Retrocomputing on two different devices.)
In such a case, see the Help Center:
I accidentally created two accounts; how do I merge them?
If you have two accounts that you would like to join together, please sign into either account, visit the contact form and select ‘I need to merge user profiles’. After you contact us, the Stack Exchange Team will reach out to verify that you own both accounts. If we can confirm your ownership, we will initiate a merge.
If you can't remember how to log in, go here and enter the email address you used to create the account you are trying to sign into.
I've suggested this to the user in question.