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Questions tagged [self-promotion]

For promoting things outside the site, usually projects you're involved in.

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3 votes
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Introducing a stochastic superoptimizer for retro CPUs

I'm writing to introduce my software project strop. Like a compiler, it takes a function as input, and it emits assembly language that computes the given function. But unlike a compiler, the way it ...
Omar and Lorraine's user avatar
9 votes
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Introducing a new retrocomputing YouTube channel: Electronica Sovietica

Having checked self-promotion is OK here, I am writing to announce my new YouTube channel dedicated to my small but growing collection of Soviet retro computers and microcontrollers. The first video ...
harlandski's user avatar
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8 votes
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Introducing a new retrocomputing meetup: The APL Campfire

Due to APL's age, it is sometimes of interest to this community. Every fourth Sunday at 18:00 UTC, I'm hosting an event focusing on the history of APL programming, inviting participants to tell ...
Adám's user avatar
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