In real life, I'm a senior programmer writer at Amazon Web Services, writing documentation and code examples about SDKs for AWS services.
Before working for Amazon, I spent 14 years as a senior technical writer at Mozilla, writing documentation to teach developers how to take advantage of the increasingly awesome power of the open Web.
Started writing Apple II software in BASIC when I was 10 years old. Sold my first application later that same year. Transitioned into direct 6502 coding in high school, followed by 65816 assembly and C on the Apple IIgs.
During college, I released my first shareware title (ProBOOT IIgs 3.0) in the spring of 1991. It was successful enough that I released several increasingly cool versions of it, and then eventually started cranking out more shareware and freeware titles for the Apple IIgs. Over the following years, I was among the most prolific authors of Apple II software; my best-known projects are probably Shifty List, ImageMaker and DiskMaker, WebWorks GS, and of course, the Apple IIgs port of the classic first person shooter Wolfenstein 3D.
Today, my primary contribution to the Apple II community is my work on the Apple IIgs emulator Sweet16. I'm also the creator of the Mac word processor for children called OK-Writer.
× 4Apr 19, 2020
TeacherApr 21, 2016
SupporterApr 20, 2016
AutobiographerApr 20, 2016