20 votes

Moderator Bans Using "Father"

Context The question received twenty five moderator flags. At least twenty of those were directly related to the controversy caused by this title wording; I haven't had time to count them. This was ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 18.6k
11 votes

Moderator Bans Using "Father"

This looks like a classic case of miscommunication between a user, the community, and a mod. The mod didn't do anything wrong. A situation was diffused in the quickest way possible. The original ...
LateralTerminal's user avatar
10 votes

Don't answer a question you want to close

Although it hasn't happened on this site, there have been times when I answered a question and only later after some thought decided to vote to close it. What's more common is that I write an answer ...
forest's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it RCSE policy that you must register and maintain a single name to participate?

I'm not in a position to decide policy at this moment, so I'll just provide some of the background information. If you are a model user, this pattern of account-creating doesn't cause many issues for ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 18.6k
7 votes

Abuse of moderator fiat vote

I would consider it somewhat problematic (and probably best answered in the negative, if at all), This is really a very friendly way to put it. But ... but perhaps it could have been salvaged ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
  • 223k
7 votes

Moderator Bans Using "Father"

I will allow my fellow moderator to make his own comments on this but here is my take. When I first came across this question, it had already gathered a long comment trail with arguments for and ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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6 votes

The "cleanup" badge seems to be awarded for bad behaviour

There are two issues here. Firstly, one can produce an argument for misbehaviour obtaining any badge. It is a feature of having badges and isn't really a major problem. Once people have the badge, ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it RCSE policy that you must register and maintain a single name to participate?

Stackexchange permits all users to maintain multiple accounts. It is if those accounts vote for each other or otherwise abuse the reputation system that moderators and/or staff will intervene. It is ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
  • 8,141
6 votes

Did I do something wrong?

Disclaimer: This is an official answer (at least, as much as I can make it) because having an opinion is hard and I'm lazy. Technically, no. You wrote an answer that took from multiple sources, and ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 18.6k
6 votes

Abuse of moderator fiat vote

Apologies for the delay in replying. Personal reasons have kept me away from SE as a whole for a week. As others have already answered, the original question was not acceptable on the site. Closing ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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6 votes

Abuse of moderator fiat vote

The original question was closeworthy: What OSs and Programs were used to write code in the 80s? If we were transported back to the 80s and were working on a program for MS-DOS, what OS would we, the ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 18.6k
6 votes

What is the extent to which it is appropriate to edit a post?

In my view, edits should: Preserve the meaning of the post; Make the post clearer: For questions, make them easier to answer (up to and including a complete rewrite, so long as the question still ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 18.6k
5 votes

What is the extent to which it is appropriate to edit a post?

The uncontroversial cases would be to edit in order to: Fix obvious typos, grammar, punctuation and capitalisation mistakes. Apply formatting markup for readability. Incorporate clarifications from ...
user3840170's user avatar
  • 23.1k
5 votes

Abuse of moderator fiat vote

There is no mess, except that created by the user who asked a terribly broad question. The subsequent edits did very little to resolve that issue, there's little indication that future edits would ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
  • 105
5 votes

Why are we so unfriendly to novices?

As a novice user, who mostly browses the site, it seems to fulfil three distinct purposes: Computer history, both documented and anecdotal. This might include systems, software, programming languages ...
Mark Williams's user avatar
5 votes

Why are we so unfriendly to novices?

It's not just novices. We have some documentation here on meta describing the site's norms and expectations (e.g. scope), but our culture has drifted since then. Our unwritten rules have drifted, and ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 18.6k
4 votes

Answerer reverting good-faith edits

Firstly, I approved your edit that included the removal of the controversial block of text. I did consider using the Improve Edit option to leave some or all of that block in the answer. On balance, ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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4 votes

Moderator Bans Using "Father"

Instead of going all political or analytical (dictionary, really?), wouldn't it be simpler to use more accurate words that also happen not to have a gazillion other conflictual meanings? This is the ...
jeancallisti's user avatar
4 votes

What are the rules about self promo on Meta?

Historically, promotion on meta has been fine, so long as you meet our self-promotion rules: However, if you mention your product, website, etc. in your question or answer (or any other contribution ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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4 votes

Promoting an event

Such a post wouldn't be appropriate on the main site. We have had questions about meetups in the past and all have been closed and deleted. This has been discussed before... Clubs/meetups: in scope? ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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3 votes

Is this comment a good or at least representative reflection of this site's collective attitude?

TL;DR: I think the comment was justified, though not a great idea to post. You've taken that comment out of context. The very first comment that you posted on Raffzahn's answer was this: "......
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 18.6k
2 votes

Moderator Bans Using "Father"

Late to the party here.... I was travelling last week for work (covering over 10,000 miles in the process) and so missed this whole event. But from everything I've read here I can't say I'd have acted ...
Matt Lacey's user avatar
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2 votes

Answerer reverting good-faith edits

What can be done to keep both of us happy? Kiss and make up maybe? Tweak the language of the answer slightly to make it less abrasive. e.g. That is based on a false assumption i.e. that there are ...
JeremyP's user avatar
  • 11.8k
2 votes

Answerer reverting good-faith edits

(a. Took me some time to find this, as the title didn't relate to me) (b. tl;dr - Short answer to your question here at the end) First off all, I'm very thankful to you (@CJ Dennis) and several other ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
  • 223k
2 votes

Did I do something wrong?

I've had some sour feedback about it and it seems one of the other answerers resented that. For one, as it was me, I would prefer to be called by name, not some vague wording. Especially if it's ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
  • 223k
2 votes

What is the extent to which it is appropriate to edit a post?

Allow me to be the first to comment that hasn't actually edited "that question" :-) The brouhaha appears to be mainly about whether it is right to remove what for want of a better word I'll ...
dave's user avatar
  • 35.6k
1 vote

What is the extent to which it is appropriate to edit a post?

What is this community’s stance on the extent to which editing posts is appropriate? You won't get the community's view on the question. Just that of the few users that visit meta and then the subset ...
TonyM's user avatar
  • 3,754
1 vote

Don't answer a question you want to close

I believe this mixes two separate issues: Closing a question and Answering a question Separate but they are tied in a non trivial relation, as both are commanded by two imperatives: Questions that ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
  • 223k
1 vote

Is this comment a good or at least representative reflection of this site's collective attitude?

The question is about being welcoming to new users, so I'll address that. Is this comment a good or at least representative reflection of this site's collective attitude? No. Based on a read of ...
uhoh's user avatar
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