The Question misses the point in not distinguishing between modern technology/devices in general and such made especially for historic hardware. This is fine detail that separates the Gotek from devices like SD-IEC and others made for classic machines.
The Gotek is a generic drive for operating data on solid state storage over a Shugart bus (floppy) interface. An interface not more retro than, lets say a serial interface. One, I assume, we all agree doesn't make a device using it automatic on topic here. Or does it?
Bottom line: Just because something is cool and useful with old computers it will not automatic on topic on RC.SE. It needs to be either retro itself, or stricly dedicaeted for RC use.
Both is not true for the Gotek.
In addition the question is about connecting it to an of shelf PC, so even here is not distinct retro element, as PC boards with floppy interface are still made and sold of the shelf.