From time to time questions come up that clearly would better fit to other sites. As of now, the procedure of
only allows the selection of Meta, as standard for beta sties. AFAIK graduating enables moderators to add other targets.
- Is that true?
- Can it already be done?
If yes to both, I think it would be a good idea to collect a list of targets (*1). Personally I think
- Main SO - for generic Programming questions
- Electrical Engineering - for basic Hardware related questions
- Arqade - for Arcade related questions
should be added to that list. Meta may need to stay (as last option) for cases needing moderation.
Looking at The Stats (Thanks for the reminder to Stephen) show a few several migrations
Questions were migrated to
- 6 to Unix & Linux
- 5 to Electrical Engineering
- 4 to Super User
- 2 to Computer Science
- 2 to Arqade
an one to each of Video Production, the main SO, Law and Raspberry Pi (*1). So at least UnixUnix, SUSU and CSCS would further make goodwortwhile candidates.
- Any other to be added?
*1 - I understand this list as a helper to users suggesting migration, so moderators doing this get an suggestion where to it should go.
*2 - Not many, which makes me wonder if our readers are that well verses in making only on topic questions or if we're hesitating too much to move border on topic ones.