There are two dimensions to be considered here. One is cosmetic-versus-functional and the other is working-versus-not-working. Cosmetic would be things like retrobriting yellowed plastic, cleaning cases, replacing broken keycaps, fixing squeaking mechanical parts; functional would be changing batteries, cleaning up after capacitor leaks, re-soldering circuits (i.e. working directly on those parts that actually do the ‘computing’). The other dimension is obvious, I think. Both dimensions are continua rather than binary of course. (Feel free to make a political compass/alignment chart meme out of this.)
I read the current tags as:
- repair: leaning towards functional on the first scale, not-working on the second
- restoration: ambiguous on both scales, slightly leaning towards not-working
- maintenance: ambiguous on the first scale, on the second strongly leaning towards working
I don’t have proposal yet how to define those tags better (or whether to create new ones), but perhaps the above categorisation will help in creating one.